Summer is branded as a time of relaxation, a time to do nothing and enjoy the peace of life. That’s what my family told me when I announced that I would be starting a remote membership.

Build a DevOps Centric community for your organization that tracks employee metrics using our S.W.A.R.M. Intelligence System™ to increase productivity. We bring a new approach to project management with enterprise tools and creative implementations to cultivate company culture.
The Focus Hive provides a robust platform where your managers can shape policies and procedures to increase efficiency, grow & scale, and streamline goals with our unique approach known as ORBITAL Mission Control™.
See How it Works.
Distributed teams need policy and procedure around which software to use, when, and in what context is appropriate. We set the standard.
Create an atmosphere that encourages a productive lifestyle with healthy choices, a strong work/life balance, and experential learning for your team.
Use the Microsoft ecosystem to its fullest potential under the guidance of our Community Managers who are innovative and know the trends.
We offer business incubation and a dream accelerator, powered by the Tao Learning Institute: a Microsoft Authorized Education Partner. We bring executive level business strategy and mix it with a fun workspace to create an upbeat, intelligent, and productive environment. We have built the culture for beautiful startups and redefined numerous Fortune 500s' digital workspaces.
Use our unique strategy to make best use of digital tools which blend the best aspects of organization, flexibility, and productivity. Find your Focus with members all over the world.
Find harmony within the chaos as you create structure around yourself and your organization. Our procedures, policies, & tools create a compelling atmosphere that structures all your work and is easily accessible by your staff.
Our Hives are central focus for teams that need an adaptable environment with multiple branches, multiple departments, yet can still scale to enterprise needs.
Read about the Focus Hive Experiences from various members in our programs.
Summer is branded as a time of relaxation, a time to do nothing and enjoy the peace of life. That’s what my family told me when I announced that I would be starting a remote membership.
I saw an membership posting for Focus Hive and decided to apply. I am so glad I did because thus far it has been one of my most productive summers yet. The flexibility offered in this membership is...
Our leadership program can be defined by our vision of seeing others as capable of anything. We inspire, motivate, and visualize our teams having succcessin whatever they do.